Authors: Rahmi, Siti Asriati AM and Syamsiarna Nappu, Indonesia

Individual differences are not only visible in physical differences, but there are also differences in terms of social personality differences, intelligence, and basic abilities and skills. This study explores the influence of individual personality differences on students’ English speaking at SMPN 3 Sinjai. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods. This study finds that students’ attitudes towards learning are primarily in the medium category, with 50% agreeing that they have a good attitude, 42.50% feeling neutral, and only 4.50% disagreed. It shows that there is a dominant positive attitude among students. Regarding speaking skills, most students showed positive beliefs about their character and attitudes, with more than 50% agreeing or strongly agreeing on both components. However, student motivation and interest showed more significant variation, with a higher proportion of neutral students, indicating that there is room to improve student motivation and interest to better align with vital character and attitude aspects. The speaking skills results show that students need improvement in various aspects of speaking ability, especially in comprehension and fluency. At the same time, vocabulary is an area that indicates relatively more robust results.

Keywords: Individual Differences, personality differences, English Speaking Skills, Motivation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59009/ijlllc.2025.0100

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