Authors: Rajaa Bakriyyeh, Israel

ThisThis research focuses on the impact of the painting aesthetics on the content of the literary text. The research presents two samples of novels that adopted the storytelling painting, as opposed to one autobiographical sample whose cover adopted a photographic cover. The research issue aims to raise discussion on the close relationship between the artistic keys in the novel cover and the literary content. A comparison will be made between Western and Arab narrative works in order to answer the following research questions.
The research aspires to achieve two goals:
1. Raising the issue of narrative writing as an aesthetic scene that is capable of overlapping with other visual arts, the last of which is color formation and photography.
2. Motivating writers to experiment with qualitative worlds in writing formats that make the reader a text-making partner from the visual angle of reception.
The significance of the research lies in its attempt to close the gap of the absence of an Arab creative narrative industry and its call for research into the writing techniques and the forms of industry.

Keywords: Conceptual, Metaphor, Homeland, English, Songs.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59009/ijlllc.2025.0097

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